Day 19,810

It’s a Wednesday night, I’ve got a belly full of Freddy’s ice cream (they call it a concrete, I call it delicious), and I’m sitting here reflecting on the day.

Tomorrow is the vote on Net Neutrality. From my perspective, it’s a way of monetizing (weaponizing?) access to information. I fear that it will create a caste society, where those with the most money will be able to afford access to the libraries of information that exist on the Internet, and many will be left outside the gate due to their inability to pay for services that will be defined as “premium”.

The wealthy will have access. Those without the means get screwed.

I think information should be treated as another type of utility like our clean water and electricity.

I’m an idealist.

I might be ridiculous.

I just don’t like the idea of the wealthy and powerful buying political power for the purpose of creating policies that primarily benefit the wealthy and powerful, screwing over the ordinary men and women in the country, or the world.
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Eventually, there will be some with even more wealth and more power that will decide that enough is enough and they’ll do a reset.

Or the people that are being left outside the gate will get tired and storm the gates.

Or they create a different manner of underground information system that they have access to and deny access to the powerful.

We’ll see.

Peace y’all.

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