Day 19,828

It’s New Year’s Eve, 2017.

My oldest daughter is 21 today. She seems to be enjoying herself with her friends.

The traditional thing is for a person to make a New Year’s Resolution or two, and I’ve been thinking about that a little bit.

Most people make the same sort of resolutions, having to do with health and diet, finishing some long ago committed project, or resolving some other personal issue. Lord knows I have more than a couple of issues native to the human condition.

For 2018, I am going to try to be kinder. I haven’t always been as kind as I could have been in this past year. To be honest, I’ve been a hardcore asshole to some people. I’m not saying some of these folks had it coming, but the choice to behave in the fashion that I did was totally on me. I will try to manage that aspect of my personality better in the coming year.

For 2018, I resolve to actually read the articles that I am confronted with in social media before I respond to them. Like many, I was guilty of responding to articles based on the headline. I hadn’t read the article in its entirety. On more than one occasion, that came back to bite me in the ass.

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My last resolution for 2018 is to continue to write these future notes to the grandchildren I will someday have. I hope I can offer some sort of insight into what life is like at this point in the world. The big picture stuff is all being handed down in the records, the archives of our society. My life, for whatever it’s worth, is being jotted down day by day, my good times and my down times. and I hope you find it interesting.

Maybe it will end up in the Library of Congress.


I hope we all have a better year this year.

Peace y’all.

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