Day 19,748

Hey, future grandkids, what’s shakin’?

Sometimes you are going to deal with situations that are really out of your control, for one reason or another, things are not going to go in the direction you would prefer.

This week I’m teaching a class that is centered on services being provided by a different organization.

An organization outside my sphere of influence.

I have zero control over what happens with their services. Seriously. But I’m teaching the products and the labs that they re hosting on their site.

Today we had an outage that lasted close to three hours. That was more than a little bit of a distraction.

It affected me.

But, what’s an old, fat, bald guy to do?
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You roll with it.

You spend a little more time in lecture, you work ahead in the book, you talk about the hands-on labs the guys are about to do, and you hope that the service gets restored so you can get back to work and try and provide an adequate learning environment.

And you don’t get upset with the situation. OK, so I might make a few jokes here and there to try and lighten the tone a bit.

But you roll with it.

I did. I hope you can, too.

Peace y’all.

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