Day 19,733

Hey gang, Grampa Bob her, and I’m ner to tell you that you ol’ Grampa is a wimp. Seriously.

I’ve got a pinched nerve in my hip, and it hurts.

I had been invited to some festivities tonight, but I bowed out.

I’m having a hard time standing up straight and moving around.


I should have sucked it up and gone out to see friends anyway.

I didn’t.

I let the pain win.

And I shouldn’t have.

I let it control and limit me.

I took the easy way out, and now it bugs me.
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I won’t forget this.

It is a frustration. As you get older, some parts of your body are going to rebel to a degree. A lot of the time I can overcome my pain, but tonight I didn’t fight as hard as I should’ve.

I’m not trying to make some grandiose statement. I’m just trying to say that I didn’t go as far as I should have in resisting/suppressing the pain.

I’ll do better tomorrow.

I believe that.

In the meantime, I’m going to hope that a good night’s sleep will help with my pinched nerve issue.

I have one more day among my MCT friends, and I want to be the best Bobster I can be.

C’mon, hip!

Peace y’all.