Day 19,613


Weekends are a little weird, and three-day weekends have more potential for weirdness.

Memorial Weekend here in Lawrence, Kansas also coincides with this year’s Busker Fest, which means downtown Lawrence is chock full of street performers and patrons of street performers.

I have a ride to a dancer/performance artist from Boston today. Nice young man, very polite.

After I hit my number… (that’s a different story), I headed home, grilled a couple of incredible steaks with my wife and eldest daughter. Fabulous dinner.

Watched a movie about cancer cells… now getting caught up on sense8. Second season, third episode.

More weirdness, but it suits me.

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Tomorrow we’ll pack everybody up, including the dogs, and head to my mom & dad’s place for a Memorial Day get together.

The rest of the week, I’ll stay focused on work-related duties, prepping for a certification exam on Friday (oooh, my favorite) and just dealing with whatever requires dealing.

Next week, things will get a lot more interesting. Congress is going to be busy trying to sort out all sorts of things having to do with this administration. I’m still thinking Sean Spicer hits the door first, running straight to Simon and Schuster looking for a book deal. Jared Kushner will hit the door soon as well, but he might be hitting it face first.

Time will tell.

I’m feeling kind of boring… I’ll try to be more interesting tomorrow.

Peace, y’all.